15 June, 2014

Who is she?, The -Dere Diaries: Yandere

-Dere: Yandere

Alias: Crazy Bitch, Stalker, Psycho

Definition: The Yandere is a character that comes of as loving, caring, adorable even. Deep inside though, She is an overly obsessive and violent sociopath.

Why do people like her: In moments of sanity, the yandere is very very loving, often giving off the "Help me, Take care of me" vibe. In these moments the yandere draws a character in and with a flip of a switch she becomes possessive. So it could be people like the over exaggeration of actual dating behavior. Mayby people like the cute yet strong feel of these characters.

Why is she crazy: Varies, could be high levels of stress and the unfortunate lover is the only thing that doesn't make the Yandere want to snap. Could be a starcrossed lovers type of moment, wanting most what you can't have. In a more grown up setting, the Yandere loses her first kiss or virginity to Love interest, thus feeling she is allowed to be highly possesive. (Yanderes can be male.)


Yuno Gasai- Future Diaries: Yuno Gasai is the figure head of Yandere, but is a Yandere for the sake of being a Yandere. After years of abuse from her family, and high levels of stress to succeed in school, Yuno gets several nice words from the Main Character Yukiteru Amano. These few nice words and a joke promise convinces her, in her stressed mental state, that she is bound to marry yuki.(Spoiler Alert) After killing yuki in a alternate time, she goes back and tries again to make her "Pookey Bear", love her.

The payoff: The Payoff to the Yandere, is odd as it seems purely negative, but you look at it through another light and you see it. The Yandere is a unyielding protector and lover, they will give up everything to ensure the love between the two, Though they take it to extremes.

The Problem: No one is safe in the battlefield they see as love, not your mother, not your dog, no one. They will Kill every one they see taking your emotional energy. And its never a easy death, its a Hammer to the head, or a saw to the neck. The problem is if you don't keep them in check they will kill everyone and everything you enjoy.

The Yandere is a character that almost always ends bad, and sadly this character is often shallow, that said they can still be enjoyable to watch and witness the chaos ensues. All in all this Archtype is enjoyable but all together weak, so if you ever meet a Yandere say "Love You", and understand your stuck with them for the rest of your life.