27 March, 2014

Kill La Killing it, the Hype never ends: Kill La kill

When we left the fair Lady Satsuki was called home by her mother, after a battle with Ryuko leveled osaka. On her way home Satsuki begins to feel the exhaustion and strain That Jenkestu, her kamui or 100% life fiber uniform, places on her. When she arrives home it is apperent that the Kiryuin Family is a opulent family, thats gets it money from the clothing company Revocs. As she enters the home her mothers assistant informs Satsuki, that her mother Ragyo, wishes to meet her in the shower room. Enter major controversy number 2.

In the midst of talking about Life fibers and how they are all mighty and will rule the world, Ragyo Sexually assults her own daughter, while "realigning her chakras". Immediatley(im going to enter first person here), I paused my tv and walked away for a second. This kinda came out of left field for me, sure i was used to the blatant flaunting of skin, and the outfits had stopped catching my eye as all i did was watch the pretty colors as things exploded but this, this kinda brought me back to a WTF stand point. Previous scenes had shown Ragyo and they kinda placed her in the crazy bad guy light but nothing to far off the scale. This action though and the implied years of this abuse Satsuki had been taking, definitely and instantly placed Ragyo on my bad guy list,....not bad....evil.(back to review stand point) This scene was powerful for many reasons, one of the biggest being that up until now Satsuki, was a character of great Strength and indomitable will, and some one you never thought would be submissive, but in a instant Satsuki is brought to a almost hollow like state.

After this scene Ragyo, brings her daughter to a room revealing the Original Life Fiber, an Alien entity that landed on earth Thousands of years ago. She explains how the Original Life Fiber had accelerated the Human Rate of evolution, as to make us invent clothing, which she dubs the orignal sin.

What is clothing? Clothing is sin. Man’s original sin. When man ate the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, he became ashamed of his nakedness. From the moment man first gained free will, he covered himself in the sin called clothing.

Ragyo then tells her daughter to rest, as she leaves for Honnoji Academy, leaving Satsuki behind at the mansion. Shortly after her mother leaves, Satsuki call the elite four informing them that her mother is on her way, and that they should be ready to "take care of her".

Going all the way back to osaka, we are informed that not all of Nudist Beach, a organization whose goal is to prevent the spread of life fibers, is not entirely destroyed. Ryuko's homeroom teacher and "mentor" and head of Nudist beach, Aikuro Mikisugi explains that Senketsu, Ryuko's sentient kamui, was built to be a weapon against the life fibers. Ryuko, having built a bond with Senketsu, Doesn't want to use him as just a weapon. After several back and forth retorts between several characters Ryuko and Nudist beach head out to Honnoji academy to face Ragyo Kiryuin, the master mind behind the Life Fiber Plot.

All forces seem to be converging on a final battle but we are still only at episode 17, the internet is hyped as it seems a massive battle royale is about to happen. With Honnoji academy taking on a thunder dome like apperance Satsuki informs all students that the Director of Revocs will be joining them for an amazing event.

Ragyo arrives, in typical flash of light fashion , and begins speaking to the masses about how Revocs now controls 90% of all clothing distribution world wide. At which point she awakens the life fibers in the clothes that the audience is wearing, and cocoons the Wearers as the Life Fiber begins to feed off them. 

With this Ryuko and Nudist beach storm the stadium to see everyone cocooned. Ragyo looks down at Ryuko and comments how 'Beautiful' The Kamui looks, and Ryuko responds by pointing out how the Kiryuin's love to talk down to people. Ragyo, in a jesting manner, Simply states "that is becuase I am the one who knows everything, I am the leader of the Kiryuin conglomerate, Ragyo Kiryuin--"

Now we the Internet realize Ragyo is not exactly human, she is skewered to a crucifix, and is still talking as if she is going to win. Ryuko demands an explanation from Satsuki as to why they had to fight if they had a similar goal, Satsuki replies with "i don't need half baked allies, i needed to make sure you would be of use".
Satsuki proceeds to converse with her mother calling her a monster, Ragyo responds with "you would call your own mother a monster". Satsuki Replys with "someone who can survive being stabbed through the heart doesn't have alot of room to disagree". At this The wound on Ragyos chest Heals revealing a life fiber like texture in her body. 

Nui Harime, Everyones favorite psycho path, enters the fight and is quickly intercepted by a newly equipped Elite Four.

Ragyo Proceeds to ask Satsuki when she actually began to plot against her own mother. Satsuki goes into a Flashback that shows just how cruel and evil Ragyo is. Having children only to Test life fibers on them, the first being Satsuki at 1 year old, after failing Ragyo decides she will need to attempt the process at a sooner stage in a humans life. The second Child, Soon after birth is implanted with life fibers, only to fail and die. Ragyo cannot accept this and dumps the baby down a chute, the thought that some one with her genetics is to weak to accept life fibers infuriates her. It is at this time that Satsuki's Father Decides to begin the rebellion against Revocs, the Covers, the Life Fibers, and Ragyo.

As The flashback ends one of Ragyo's subordinates jumps forward distracting Satsuki, just long enough for Ragyo to disappear. Ragyo reappears, between all of Satsukis students and releases a thread that seeps into their minds, making them her puppets. Satsuki without hesitation begins sweeping the floor with her class mates rushing towards Ragyo. Ragyo commends her daughter for having such a plot but, points out a few large issues in her plan, Ragyo then catches Ryuko with a strand of the mind controlling thread. Ryuko and Satsuki begin to fight while Ragyo marvels at how powerful Ryuko is with out activating her Kamui. Ryuko and Satsuki lunge at each other with full force, when Ryuko suddenly stops and lands a punch to her own face. Ryuko breaks free of the mind stitching, causing Ragyo to feel an odd sensation, which in turn makes here comment "Le vie c'est Drole" or "Live is funny". Ryuko heads off to fight nui, leaving satsuki to enact her revenge.

Ryuko, despite Nui's taunts, stays calm and reaches a level of Synchronization with Senketsu she has never reached before, Finaly wiping Nui's ever-present smile off her face and leaing instead a look of fear. Satsuki enters battle with Ragyo delivering a quick final blow, decapitating her mother. Ragyo body proceeds to sucker punch Satsuki, as Ragyo's head informs Satsuki that as long as a single regenerative thread remains Ragyo will not die. Reattaching her head Ragyo begins a rampage against her daughter, laying a beating on her that is rather gruesome manner, throwing away her daughter like trash but not before one last act of twisted perverse sexual domination. As satsuki falls, the Original Life Fiber awakens releasing COVERS, sentient clothing that hunt and devour humans, onto the world. Ragyo stands atop a tower light behind her now wearing Satsuki's Kumai, Junketsu.

Real quick im gonna explain something here that might help explain the metaphors a bit. Satsuki's Kamui, Junketsu, was originally supposed to be Satsuki's wedding dress. Junketsu is primarily white, white being a color that usually means pure, Junkestu is also Japanese for Purity. After getting beaten to a pulp and humiliated in front of a mass of people Satsuki had her Kamui Junketsu, or figuratively her Purity, stolen from her by her mother. Just trying to clarify things abit.

With everyone stunned Ragyo takes this moment, to rapidly get behind Ryuko, AND DRIVES HER FIST THROUGH RYUKO'S CHEST PULLING OUT HER BEATING HEART. Ragyo smile's and points out that shes happy Satsuki brought Ryuko to the battle, Ragyo points out that Ryukos body is also infused with life fibers...
And in the most Metal way possible we find out Ryuko was the child Ragyo dumped years ago. Making Ragyo, Ryukos mother, and Satsuki, Ryukos older sister.

Satsuki in a last ditch effort, causes the stadium to self destruct.

Time skip one month and the Life Fibers have all but wiped out humanity. With Satsuki missing and Ryuko still unconscious, it has been up to The Elite Four and Nudist Beach to maintain the line and save as many people as possible.

Back at Honnoji Academy we find Satsuki, imprisoned by her mother, Ragyo who continues to degrade Satsuki. Ragyo on a daily basis enters Satsuki's cell and informs her of the loss her allies are facing, how another step in Satsuki's army has been crushed, all the while continuing with her demented perversion. As Ragyo leaves Satsuki, with superhuman willpower, begins her escape plan. First by chipping of a false Toenail to reveal a Toenail made of the same material that her sword was made out of. She Continues by monologing "As long as I, Satsuki Kiryuin has breath, I still have a chance at victory" 

Back at the nudist beach hideout, The COVERS begin to surround the base preparing for a attack. Ira Gamagori, Uzu Sanageyama, Nonon Jakuzure, Aikuro Mikisugi, and Tsumugu Kinegase leave the base ready to fight to the last breath against the COVERS.

Unveiling a new weapon, Ira Gamagori attack the largest of the COVERS, and suctions out Mankanshoku Mako, Proving thier weapon will be able to thin the enemy numbers while increasing thiers. Shortly after this the COVERS begin releasing a loud screeching noise, suddenly causing an enraged Ryuko to wake up. Ryuko with out her Kamui on, takes a single swing causing a forceful explosion that destroys a mass of COVERS and releases the people inside. Everyone runs to greet Ryuko, only to be turned away by Ryuko as she realizes she is nothing more than a life fiber monster. Senketsu, The Kamui, attempts to convince Ryuko otherwise but she wont have it and is lured to Honnoji academy to fight Nui again.

Nudist Beach Procedes with their plans and mobilizes via the S.S. Naked Sol, to Honnoji academy to save Satsuki. As they Arrive, Satsuki makes her escape cutting down COVERS with nothing more than a Harder than Steal Toenail. As Satsuki looks out the window She see's Ryuko being lifted into the air Towards Junketsu, though she wants to help she has not the means and proceeds with her escape meeting up with the Elite Four. They Return to the Naked Sol and begin planing a counter attack. While this is going on Ragyo and Nui Begin Brainwashing Ryuko Through Junketsu, implanting memories of what could have been a happy, normal life, with Ryuko moving through school her mother at her side and lastly her mother at her wedding. 

Back on the Naked Sol, Satsuki meets with her remaining team members, informing them that they dont have much time before the worst possible scenario occurs. As if on queue something is picked up on the radar and is heading at them quickly. As the object lands, it leaves a impact crater on the ships deck, when the smoke clears we see a fully covered Ryuko Matoi.

Notice that the Evil Ryuko is a lot less revealing, almost entirely covered. pushing more that idea that hiding your shame prevents the real you from being seen.

Tsumugu attempts to defend by attacking ryuko in a armored biped robot, only to be swatted away like a fly. Satsuki rides an elevator up to the top deck revealing, that she has donned Senketsu, Ryuko's kamui. Take a skip back about 5 minutes and we see that Ragyo has began her twisted and perverse dance with Ryuko, thus causing the internet to yell "Ragyo is now known As DiscoRapeMilf" or "This isnt even fanservice this is just wrong", which i think was Triggers goal, to create a character that everyone could hate.

Satsuki and Ryuko begin thier Fight, and while Satsuki and Senketsu are trying their best their inability to synchronize prevents them from truly being able to fight Ryuko. Ryuko slowly begins to beat down on Satsuki, adding a insult to every punch. As Ryuko grabs Satsuki by the neck an explosion occurs, bringing in the Elite Four to help save Satsuki. Each member takes a jab at Ryuko pushing her into certain spots, though not doing any real damage, after taking a battleship cannon to the face Ryuko asks if thats all they got. Ira Gamagori Pops up from the smoke behind Ryuko and hits her with the Anti Cover Suction device, to no avail though. Nui jumps into the fray, explaining that Junketsu was actually sewn onto Ryuko's body, making removing the outfit extremly painful and will probably end in death. 

Satsuki manages to cut Ryuko, and has Mako throw Senketsu into the cut, the wound absorbs both Mako and Senketsu and places them momentarily in Ryuko's psyche. Inside Ryuko is standing with a Dummy at her wedding smiling, Mako and Senketsu quickly get Ryuko's attention only to be attacked by Ryuko.
After some back and forth talk and Makos usual hijinks, Ryuko swings at Mako, But Senketsu Dives in front of the blade. Everyone is Flushed out of Ryukos mind and it seems they've lost Ryuko, Nui comments on this and prepares to strike everyone down. Suddenly Ryuko's scissor flies thru the air piercing Nui and pinning her to a adjacent wall. Ryuko then begins to tear Jenketsu off of herself, with her bare hand, after completly tearing of the uniform, a more down to earth Ryuko yells "ow that friggin hurt". Mako hands Senketsu off to Ryuko while Nui unpins herself. Nui attempts to kill Mako, but Ryuko beats her to the punch Severing Nuis arms, only this time they don't regenerate. 

Nui escapes, and every one is safe for the time being, Ryuko has something in mind for Satsuki Though. Staring off at each other the sisters begin to talk, and Ryuko wants to make up for lost time the only way she knows how, by punching Satsuki as hard as she can In the face. Satsuki accepts this and braces herself, Ryuko dashes forward swinging with all her might, only to pull back at the last second as Ira Gamagori steps between them to take the hit. Ryuko sends Ira flying and winds up another punch, this time Uzu takes the hit, Ryuko begins getting angry. Ira and Uzu stand up and are joined by Nonon and Inumuta, together they discredit Ryukos Full Force punch and claim that, They are Satsukis face, They are Satsukis arms, They are Satsukis greatest weapon and her ultimate sheild. A stunned Satsuki stares on as her soldiers and her freinds stand before her with undying loyalty. After all this commotion Ryuko and Satsuki come to common grounds, as Mrs.Mankanshuko has prepared a meal. 

Ryuko feels Ragyo coming and everyone prepares for war. Iori, Satsuki's personal tailor and president of the sewing club, begins rebuliding all of the lost and broken Goku Uniforms. We see Ragyo atop a now mobilized Orignal Life Fiber heading for the academy, where with the use of  satellite, she will awaken all of COVERS and engulf the world. Ryuko And Satsuki stand side by side preparing to fight their mother, Ryuko attempts to call Satsuki sister but as difficulty, Satsuki stops her and simply States that "your blood runs through Junketsu now, that is enough for me". Both sisters Transform side by side and take off to intercept the Original Life Fiber, as they do a massive skyscraper sized COVER emerges from the ocean to attack the Naked Sol, just before it hits a Wardrobe lands on the ships deck and inside is none other than Fight Club President Two-Star, Mako Mankanshuko.

As Mako Fights off the massive COVER, several normal COVERS begin attacking the ship, Mako doing her best attempts to fight them all off. Ryuko and Satsuki begin thier attack on Ragyo, who with out leaving her place is able to fend off all of Their attacks. Satsuki being pushed back by one of the blocks lands on the Original Life Fiber, causing Ragyo to go beserk and drive a powerful kick into Satsuki's chest, Ragyo replaces her footing revealing that she is standing upon a hand towel. Ragyo states that she "will not allow the likes of you to place your feet on thin divine being." Back at the Naked Sol, Mako is Starting to lose and is beginning to see things like ghostly version of Ryuko calling her across a river. Shakily Mako stands up and charges the COVERS, only to have four more wardrobes land before her, atop them stand The Elite Four .

Elite four or not the Naked Sol begins losing engine power. Ryuko and Satsuki hatch a plot and charge at Ragyo, Ryuko is caught mid air and is cut in half falling into the ocean. Ragyo grabs Satsuki by the throat and begins to monologue. Suddenly Ryuko, using the same life fiber infused ability her mother has, reconnects her self and flies into the Original Life Fiber to assualt the core. Ryuko is not able to pierce the core alone, when Aikuro gets the idea to drive the Naked Sol into the core giving Ryuko a boot. As if on queue the engines begin to come back to life, as Fight Club Mako begins running in the engine turbine like hamster in a wheel, Mako points out everyone is helping as the view moves back revealing, in full goku uniforms, all of the prior club presidents.

Driving thru the Original Life Fiber and killing it Ryuko and all of her allies regroup on the deck of the Naked Sol, while Ragyo retreats to Honnoji academy. Nui completes her final creation, a massive kumai meant for Ragyo. Satsuki, Ryuko, and everyone else drink tea and eat before the battle, Satsuki readys one last rally chant "every one is going to make it back alive to drink tea again, now let us take back our Academy."

And with that the final episode of Kill La Kill is all thats left. With an obvious Death flag like "everyone is going to make it back", the full alliance of Honnoji Academy's best, and The Completion of  Nui's greatest work, The supposed Savior of anime is on its way to prove its earned that title.

Don't lose your way, Trigger


23 March, 2014

Holding onto hype by only thread: Kill la Kill

As the final episode of kill la kill begins to peak its head over the hill, i've decided Im going to write a small wrap up of the series and the ups and downs The HypeTrain faced.

On Feburary 7, 2013 an issue of NewType magazine posted an image of a blacked out character with red accents, and a title that Read "Director Hiroyuki Imaishi(Gurren lagann, and Panty and Stocking with Gaterbelt) to come out with a new series thats been 3 years in the making"

With this tidbit of news the powder keg that would be the internet was set in place. Then on May 8th, 2013 Kill la kill was officially announced with writer Kazuki Nakashima(gurren lagann) and Character designs by Sushio(Redline, gurren lagann, PaSwG, One piece, Evangelion, Kill bill(O-ren ishi segment), and Cyborg 009). This was all going to be done under a new studio, Studio Trigger, a studio founded by former Studio Gainax(later on why this is a big deal) employees.

With all this Fans of Studio Gainaxs previous works became prophets and began to proclaim, the skies opened and a powerful voice rang out "anime is saved". Thus began the slow chugging of the HypeTrains engine. What exactly was anime being "saved" from? To start, anime didn't need saving, it was just reaching the end of a genre cycle. That genre being, the Moe(pronounced Mo-eH) blob genre, which consisted of Kawaii(cute) girls doing cute things being cute, the genres flagship being an anime called K-on. Moe's goal was to make people say either "aww how cute" or activate the "i need to protect that" emotion. After 2 1/2 years of this being the predominant Genre people wanted a change.
On October 3rd, 2013 Kill la kill Episode 1, If Only I Had Thorns Like a Thistle, Aired. Introducing us to the Dirty, Cartoony, Wacky art stlye that went against the grain of most series out at the time. It also set it self up to be a show of massive and evergrowing scale.

Episode 1 intoduced us to the world of kill la kill, specificaly Honnouji Academy, a highschool with a dictatorship under the student council president Satsuki Kiryuin, whose mother is the head of the board of directors for the school. The school hands out uniforms called Goku(ultima depending on your translation) uniforms, enhanced with a material called life Fibers, that gives them and thier wearers special abilities. It also introduces us to our main character and female heroine, Ryuko Matoi, The lemon eating, punk vagrant looking for her fathers killer.

Aside from a edgy artstyle, fun character design, and showing us what time of scale we were loooking at, Episode 1 also introduced us to our first controversy, the issue being fanservice and it was going to be alot of fanservice due to the fact that the characters power is derived from a uniform thats barely there.
 This being a main plot point of the show it was bound to happen alot, and fans and haters alike rose to ask "why is this needed" and trigger responded with "cuz", and proceded to pour the fanservice down our throats with no answer...That is until episode 3, when in the midst of a fight a line is sputtered "The fact that you are embarassed by the values of the masses only proves how small you are!" It is at this point we begin to see a subplot of meaning behind all this scantily clad warfare.

From this point on Trigger begins to desensitize you to the fanservice and gets you to start looking at the show for the plot(not being sarcastic), the animation, the music, and the characters.

As far as plots go, the basic skeleton for this revenge scheme has been used hundreds of times before, but its in the execution of this shallow plot that makes it different, weather it be the god like powers granted by the clothing, the setting of a totalitarian school aiming to rule over all the schools in japan, or the scale given by the size of the enviorment. At the end of episode 3, we are given a plot device by Lady satsuki,
"Defeat The club presidents and The Elite Four (or The Four Devas) of my student council, and i will face you again". From that point on the show take on a Monster of the week feel as Different Clubs(The Gardening club, Acrobatics club, Light Music Club, ect.) attack Ryuko, all while adding little bits and pieces to the whole story. Around now it seems the HypeTrain is fighting a up hill battle and the supposed savior of anime was going to fail.

Enter episode 9, A Once In A Lifetime Chance, where we begin the Naturals Election sudden death polling. Ryuko must defeat the Elite Four (to be the very best) in one on one combat, in order to finaly reach the student council president, Satsuki Kyuruin. Up till now Ryuko has defeated several dozen of the Schools club presidents, all a two star level, but now Ryuko must face off against Four, Three star members back to back. 
First round is Ira Gamagori, Lady satsuki's impenetrable sheild, Disciplinary Committee Chairman, Wearer of the Shackle/Scourge Regelia. official height: bigger than you!

Round Two and Three Are quick bouts with Hoka Inumuta, the Finance and Inteligence Committee Chairman Wearing the Probe regalia and Nonon Jakuzure, the Non-Athletic Committee Chairman wearing the Symphony: Grave/presto/Da Capo Regalia.

The final round is against Uzu Sanageyama, Athletic Committee Chairmen wearer of the Blade regalia

This fight is cut short though as The deadliest enemy yet is met, Nui Harime, The Grand Couturier Of The Revocs company (the plot thickens.) Nui Revealing herself as the true killer of Ryuko's father, plans to enrage ryuko to see how far she can push the kamui(god robe(100% life fiber uniform)).

After enraging Ryuko, Nui is forced to leave the academy by Satsuki. Ryuko recovers but she is afraid to wear Senketsu(her uniform) for fear she will go out of control again. After being convinced by another student to don Senketsu again ryuko goes out to help, only to realize its a trap set by Nui. Nui quickly destroys Senketsu chopping him into several pieces, a unconscious Ryuko is found by Satsuki and the pieces of Senkestsu are stolen and given to various student to increase the power of thier uniforms.

At this point a look at the internet shows the HypeTrains engines are back online, the promise of a world domination plot by a company intending to cover the world in life fibers and the invasion of the last three remaining school not under Satsukis control commences.

Satsuki and her classmates begin thier assualt of the other schools and it is obvious, with edition of Senketsu to the uniforms that Satsuki's forces will win. near the end of each battle at the different locations a plain Ryuko shows up steal back the pieces of her uniform.

Ryuko has managed to retrieve all the pieces she needs but one, that piece is attached to none other than satsuki kiryuin. As their battle comes to a draw, the real purpose of the Tri-School raid trip is realized, to flush out a anit Life fiber group known as Nudist Beach! With  majority of nudist beach destroyed, satsuki withdraws for the time being, out of sight from her comrades she collapses from the stress of wearing her kamui, junketsu. Satsuki receives a message from her mother and heads home.

The HypeTrain has lift-off
Pt1 of the hype recap done.  

18 March, 2014

The -dere Diarys: a look into archtypes

Just like every other media form out there, anime sometimes uses Character archetypes, or Character templates. In more recent years certain Archetypes have built their own fandoms, most noticeably the romance evolution Archetypes, Or the -Dere's. Majority of the these archetypes generally get stuck onto females but on occasion you will see them portrayed thru male characters. There are many types of -deres out there and ill introduce a few here, and i will expand on them further later.

To start what is "-Dere":
-Dere is short for dere dere meaning, "to become lovey dovey" (very basic translation).

There are Four primary -Deres's

Tsundere- A tsundere is a ice queen or a bitch. she(or he) is cold, rude, maybe even hostile to her interest but slowly she warms up to said interest.

Yandere- Cute, innocent, sweet, until her interest shifts interest or someone "makes the moves" on said interest, at which point paranoia and psychotic hostility take over usually ending in murder.   

Kuudere- A doll, unemtional, level headed and usualy blunt with opinions, until someone comes along and "triggers" it all then the character opens up to her core group.

Dandere-Antisocial, nervous, bookworm, usualy silent and they open up only to a few people. a few people that have worked to earn their trust.

And these are the main four, I plan on doing more in depth on several of these archetypes and other lesser mentioned archetypes. So as the Tsundere would say "its not like I p-p-posted This for you, B-b-baka(baka is japanese for idiot)"

16 March, 2014

To:America From: Gainax, A love letter.

Dear America,

We here at studio gainax like your animation styles for your cartoons, we also enjoy your adult humor. while our studio finished up Gurren Lagann, we all thought of what our next project would be. well after several drunken meetings we decided on this-
sincerely yours the guys that made neon genesis evangelion, 
Studio gainax

This is Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Air Date: October 1st, 2010
Episodes: 13
Rating: South park
Genre: Action, Comedy, Innuendo(is that a genre)
Studio: Gainax

Plot: Panty and Stocking Anarchy, two sisters, that are fallen angels. Thier goal if they choose to accept it, collect heaven coins, by killing ghosts, to buy thier way back into heaven. 

Animation- PaSwG is a series meant to emulate american animation style, and in that respect it does
That said they do have moments were they can't help themselves and go to some beautiful animation
for what the theme of the show is the over all, the more american animation goes perfectly with it. Which only makes the Magical Girl Stripper Animation that much more eye catching. When nothing is going on the animation take a small dip, but when action comes you better duck and cover, Because that's where this series looks awesome. All in all the animation is perfect for the series Frame for Frame, the only complaint is that you wish you could have seen a fight with the higher detailed characters.

Story:The series has a very Monster-of-the-Week feel to it with a minimal overhanging arc, That doesn't really become apparent till episode 6 and episode 13. The main point of the show though is to get as many Dick, Fart, Skank, and vagina jokes it can a minute, every minute. The banter between the two main sisters is always welcome(if you enjoy that kind of humor). the show also likes to have fun poking at pop culture and other classics
overall the show isnt about the story though, its a show you have to shut your brain off to and just have fun.

Characters: To start we have Panty anarchy, effectivly a sex addict with a short temper and a mouth that can make a trucker blush. Her ghost hunting weapon of choice, a pistol called Backlace that transforms from (wait for it....)her panties. Next we have Stocking Anarchy, a gluton for sweets and possibly bondage, she has a longer fuse than her sister but that doesn't stop her from whipping out Stripes, her dual katanas that transform from(please take a guess)... her stockings. Then we have a plethora of other characters like, garterbelt the black preist who might like little boys, breif the redhead nerd who falls in love with panty, Scanty and Kneesock's The High Demon commander that serve as the rivals of the series, and many more.

Soundtrack: While there is nothing bad with the soundtrack, only one or two songs stand out. The genral theme of the soundtrack is high speed deep bass techno that pumps you up for any given scene. There is though one song that was good, no great enough to even receive a whole episode/music video in which shows more of the Anarchy Sisters hi-jinks and references several bands. its Called D-city Rock.

Rewatch value: Don't take this the wrong way, this series i great for background noise. if your are doing dishes or laundry this is the show you want on. you don't need to pay a massive amount of attention for story and anytime you look up at it its something humorous. 

Audience: definitely a 16+ club here, if you like dirty humor and just want to laugh.

Final verdict: This eye catching show does alot, in this love letter and i feel it made its point. american animation might not make a master piece anytime soon but its without a doubt damn good at entertaining. with a very shallow story but great laughs I give this series-
7.5 out of 10 heaven coins

13 March, 2014

What started it all... My intro to anime.

To start things off, i had seen anime before this but at the time i still just though they were cartoons. i had seen Trigun, Cowboy bebop, yuyu hakushu, and inuyasha. basically things that toonami aired in early 2000. at the time i was around 10 so to me it was just really detailed cartoons with violence(after Re-watching these series years later i had a better opinion and love for them). Even at the age of 10 i was drawn to This new show, its art style was cartoony yet still better than anything else available to me. the music, perfect. the impression, Lasting.

Title: Fooly Cooly, FLCL, Furi Kuri
Airdate: April 29, 2000
Studio: Gainax
Episodes: 6
genre: Action/Comedy/Choas(is that a genre)

Plot- Enter Naota Nandaba,Main character and our point of view through the series, a 12 year old boy that finds everything mundane "nothing amazing happens here, everything is ordinary"(episode 1), and tries to hard to be an adult. early in the series he is attacked by a women, Haruko Haruhara, a pink haired women wielding a guitar(left-handed Rickenbacker bass). this moment is the catalyst for the rest of the zany moments in the series, and the intro for the deeper coming of age story. For example, Harukos introduction which is sudden and random, is an allegory for the sudden entrance into puberty. With each new character, we see a different stage of life and the problems inherent with growing up. Aside from the deeper meaning though the series, over six episodes manages to entertain with mecha battles, funny dialogue, and great art.
Animation-From episode one, the animation style instantly drew me in, its gritty rough yet colorful look Enthralled me. Its unique art style also fit well with all the action, which was smooth and fluid, able to make something as simple as running look awesome. while Fooly Cooly has a main art style to it, it didn't shy away from experimenting(This s studio gainax after all), going from a more gundam animation style to even south park.
Story/Characters- while the story is confusing and has alot of random points, each segment was enjoyable as they reached their respective conclusions. The backstories and interactions of the other characters were always welcome, whether it be Mamimi the heartbroken awkward teenager that turns her attention to her ex boyfriends younger brother(naota), or Ninamori the mayors To-adult-for-her-age daughter that acts like it doesn't bug her that her parents are divorcing. Each episode stepping up the scale and adding to the enjoyment, and each character being relate-able to someone.

Soundtrack-Now, in this specific field I can not give enough praise. The soundtrack, done by the Alternative/Rock band The Pillows, almost seems like it was the basis for the writing. It meshes so perfectly with anime that it is impossible to imagine the show without it. the soundtrack is also great standalone without the anime. below is a full link of soundtrack
my personal favorite is Carnival. 

REwatch value: While this series is great I recommend breaks between viewings, that said it definitely holds rewatch value. 

Audience: just about anyone that has experience with anime, and is used to the zany ways of anime.

Final verdict: All in All, this series is fantastic. It follows the Rule of Cool, and is accompanied by a great soundtrack, with a fun and colorful animation style and a story that many can connect with, this series is and always will be one of the greatest. i give it:
4 out of 4 Rickenbacker bass strings

04 March, 2014

Upcoming videos!?

So later on today ill be picking up South park: The Stick of Truth, and i will absolutley be playing it and posting gameplay. this is just a warning that just like we expect with the game, i too will be playing this uncensored. Curently tyrng to decide if i want to play as mage or jew(even though every one and thier mom will play jew). ill be posting links later just wanted to let everyone know.

03 March, 2014

Lets see what happens.

So whats up, its Awiseman here and i have no clue what im doing. i havnt felt like this much of a techtard since i started tv/video production back in highschool. I kinda want to do reviews or mayby post my youtube videos here, but again no clue. I don't know what to expect when it comes to making a blog and putting my self out there, but i imagine if i don.t have too high of expectations i shouldn't worry. either way lets see how this goes.