16 March, 2014

To:America From: Gainax, A love letter.

Dear America,

We here at studio gainax like your animation styles for your cartoons, we also enjoy your adult humor. while our studio finished up Gurren Lagann, we all thought of what our next project would be. well after several drunken meetings we decided on this-
sincerely yours the guys that made neon genesis evangelion, 
Studio gainax

This is Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Air Date: October 1st, 2010
Episodes: 13
Rating: South park
Genre: Action, Comedy, Innuendo(is that a genre)
Studio: Gainax

Plot: Panty and Stocking Anarchy, two sisters, that are fallen angels. Thier goal if they choose to accept it, collect heaven coins, by killing ghosts, to buy thier way back into heaven. 

Animation- PaSwG is a series meant to emulate american animation style, and in that respect it does
That said they do have moments were they can't help themselves and go to some beautiful animation
for what the theme of the show is the over all, the more american animation goes perfectly with it. Which only makes the Magical Girl Stripper Animation that much more eye catching. When nothing is going on the animation take a small dip, but when action comes you better duck and cover, Because that's where this series looks awesome. All in all the animation is perfect for the series Frame for Frame, the only complaint is that you wish you could have seen a fight with the higher detailed characters.

Story:The series has a very Monster-of-the-Week feel to it with a minimal overhanging arc, That doesn't really become apparent till episode 6 and episode 13. The main point of the show though is to get as many Dick, Fart, Skank, and vagina jokes it can a minute, every minute. The banter between the two main sisters is always welcome(if you enjoy that kind of humor). the show also likes to have fun poking at pop culture and other classics
overall the show isnt about the story though, its a show you have to shut your brain off to and just have fun.

Characters: To start we have Panty anarchy, effectivly a sex addict with a short temper and a mouth that can make a trucker blush. Her ghost hunting weapon of choice, a pistol called Backlace that transforms from (wait for it....)her panties. Next we have Stocking Anarchy, a gluton for sweets and possibly bondage, she has a longer fuse than her sister but that doesn't stop her from whipping out Stripes, her dual katanas that transform from(please take a guess)... her stockings. Then we have a plethora of other characters like, garterbelt the black preist who might like little boys, breif the redhead nerd who falls in love with panty, Scanty and Kneesock's The High Demon commander that serve as the rivals of the series, and many more.

Soundtrack: While there is nothing bad with the soundtrack, only one or two songs stand out. The genral theme of the soundtrack is high speed deep bass techno that pumps you up for any given scene. There is though one song that was good, no great enough to even receive a whole episode/music video in which shows more of the Anarchy Sisters hi-jinks and references several bands. its Called D-city Rock.

Rewatch value: Don't take this the wrong way, this series i great for background noise. if your are doing dishes or laundry this is the show you want on. you don't need to pay a massive amount of attention for story and anytime you look up at it its something humorous. 

Audience: definitely a 16+ club here, if you like dirty humor and just want to laugh.

Final verdict: This eye catching show does alot, in this love letter and i feel it made its point. american animation might not make a master piece anytime soon but its without a doubt damn good at entertaining. with a very shallow story but great laughs I give this series-
7.5 out of 10 heaven coins

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